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Jenny Lewis is my Spirit Animal

Jenny Lewis is my Spirit Animal


But seriously, she is. And it's not just because we have long red hair and bangs, but I've always admired the frankness and honesty in her music (even though she has admitted to fudging the truth a bit in her lyrics to make the songs more interesting... much in the same way that I tend to be overly self deprecating and I guess a bit embarrassing in terms of my online "persona" where I'm actually a pretty shy and sensitive person "in real life"). Either way, Lewis's new album The Voyager - written and recorded during a bout of insomnia and while recovering from the death of her father, is one of the better things I my ears and my heart have had the opportunity to listen to this year, full of charisma and emotional depth. In this way she is less my spirit animal insomuch as I wish I could BE her with an outlet to lay all my feelings out on the table in such an kick ass rock & roll manner. 

Jenny, get on with your bad self. Definitely one of my top LPs of the year right here, folks. 

Jenny Lewis' new album The Voyager

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