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Every now and then I get approached about different kinds of partnerships for this blog, and a lot of the time I turn these down, mainly because they just didn't speak to me or excite me in some way. That said, when Deadbolt Wine contacted me to see how we could work together, I could not have hit the reply on my gmail with more gusto and enthusiasm. Aside from wine basically being one of my favorite things ever, Deadbolt is launching ​their product aimed at bringing wine to a younger, hipper audience (and while I may not be THAT young anymore or that hip, I mean... I try) with a nationwide effort to help mold and promote emerging indie and alternative rock musicians.  You guys it's like THEY MADE A WINE JUST FOR MY PERSONALITY.

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So how does this work exactly? Well, each month they'll give 1 of 3 bands they're working with $1,000 to pretty much do whatever they want with. And these are truly emerging bands who can probably do a lot with that cash. Truth be told, I was a little skeptical at first having seen how other brands promote "indie rock" and then work with like... Carly Rae Jepson, but when they told me the first three brands I knew these guys were doing something very very right. Check them out here and get your vote on. 

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​Now here's the really good part: one of you, my lovely readers, can win a $100 Stub Hub Gift Card for checking the bands out and tweeting your pick of these three @irockiroll with the hashtag #BreakIntoIt. You guy, $100 dollars on Stub Hub CAN GO A LONG WAY. Like, I don't think those National shows at Barclays are sold out yet. Get on that. 

Depreciation Guild reform to play 'In Her Gentle Jaws' at Glasslands

Caveman "In The City" video featuring Julia Stiles

Caveman "In The City" video featuring Julia Stiles