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YOU WANT TO: Win A Pair of VIP tickets to see John Legend & The Roots courtesy of HP + Beats Audio!

Confession time: I've actually never been much of an audiophile when it comes to sound quality - which is weird for someone like me, I know. Friends always give me a hard time about my crappy 10 dollar ear bud headphones that I sport around town (my cat EATS them, seriously), but I just kind of dealt with it and never shelled out the big bucks for a fancy system or headphones. Womp womp for me.

Soooo when HP contacted me about trying out their sweet Envy 14 Beats Edition laptop featuring Beats Audio (technology designed by Dr Dre and Jimmy Iovine) I was stoked to say the least, since I would apparently finally really hear the music that I've been missing all this time. Over the next several weeks I'll be playing around with the system and giving them my feedback, but at the same time I wanted to give me readers something a little bit more special and HP was totally down to make that happen.

The deal? HP has curated a private VIP show in NYC next Tuesday (Dec 7th), featuring John Legend and The Roots. They recently released a collaborative album called Wake Up!, and The Roots = one of the BEST live bands out there right now. I also seriously want to hug Questlove. It might be on my bucket list, just saying.

The best part? I have a pair of tickets to give to you.

What do you have to do? Go over to Twitter between now and 8am Monday morning tweet the following:

@irockiroll Please hook me up with VIP tix to see The Roots + John Legend thx to @HP_PC!

Don't care for Twitter? You can also shoot me an email at with the subject line "VIP The Roots/John Legend Tix" in the subject line. Also feel free to attach an awesome photo of Questlove (this won't really help you win, but it will make me really happy).

A winner will be chosen at random (I will probably let my cat pick it or something, she has good instincts except when it comes to headphones) and will announce it here and on Twitter on Monday. Coolness?

Music Monday: Halves

MillionYoung: New tune + Album deets