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it's the music that we choose

If I manage to survive the druken festivities of Friday night, then I'll be (along with my On The Pull cohorts) absolutely checking out this great show at Mercury Lounge on the 28th featuring The Bravery (have I ever talked about them before? haha.. even the patrons at fancy french resturants know who them are these days) and The Good North. The Good North are from Boston and I've never seen them before but I like many other things that come from Boston (roommates, other bands, um... and other things too I'm sure...). Their songs are really infectious, esp. "Not Feeling It". Are you feeling it? Ha..

If only this pesky cold would go away! I have million dollar record contracts to write up for hot asian boys...

ps: i haven't talked about a band being cute in a while...

best invite ever

evolution through sound