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good luck searching the great abyss

Wow I did a lot over the weekend. But maybe even more rewarding than Curiosa, was going to see my new favorite movie, Garden State. Honestly, I haven't seen a movie I liked this much since Lost In Translation which I think for most people is saying a lot. And when I found out that it was both written and directed by "that guy from Scrubs" (the retardedly talented and also adorable Zach Braff - who has a weblog!), I was even more blown away. The story was touching, hilarious, and especially poignant to anyone who is in their 20s and is overwhelmed by life to the point of almost being numb to it at times, has mixed feelings about what "home" really means anymore, and is searching for the relationships that really count in life. And BONUS Braff included an amazing soundtrack, including not ONE but TWO Shins songs and a gorgeous cover of "Such Great Heights" by Iron and Wine. I already want to see this movie again, and then listen to the soundtrack everyday until it comes out on DVD. It's just-that-good.

bring all your friends

curious about curiosa? ha HA. here you go: