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in my world and rocking it.

Please come to this show! I could not be more excited. Somebody told me that I'm Morning Theft's biggest fan, and while I'm sure they have tons of fans, it isn't a bad thing to be at all. So come and join me tomorrow night when Vicious moves from tiny Sin-e to... okay honestly just as tiny and also very very hot Rothko. Sin-e was actually hot too. Hmm.

Anyways, come for Morning Theft and make sure you stay at least to see Other Passengers. I saw them at the Hook a few months ago and I thought that they were amazing despite how fall on my face tired I recall myself being that evening. Hopefully I will be more alert this time, although if I continue to keep my friends out with me until 5 am maybe that won't happen...

Here are all the details that you have seen a billion times, but I'm not letting you forget:

116 Suffolk Street (Corner of Rivington)

8pm - Morning Theft
9pm - Other Passengers
10pm - The Affair
11pm - La Laque

Scout (who according to their website are just taking a "hiadus")+ the always fabulous Jennypenny

program your tivo

the great Delancey debate...